Robert John Foster is a successful businessman, teacher and dedicated student of life. He became financially free at 28 years of age and retired to pursue his insatiable desire to learn and grow. This freedom eventually lead Rob to the discovery of purpose and meaning in his life. He now shares his mastery and offers a road map so others do not have to suffer or struggle unnecessarily.
He teaches and coaches worldwide on truth in service to all beings. He is a husband, father and friend to many. His intention is to remind all individuals every human is capable of living a life filled with love, wealth, happiness, peace, passion and purpose and that we are all most fulfilled when our essential purpose includes benefiting others.
Robs mastery on the meeting of conventional and ultimate reality allows him to support organisations, businesses, training institutes and individuals to realise their infinite potential for the benefit of all.
Rob credits a large portion of his success to a life long dedication to learning, his meditation practice and working to benefit others. His teachings are non denominational and offer support and clarity to all.
For more information please contact Rob directly.